Attended a Worship Training on June 20-21, 09 (Sat & Sun) by this group called 1 a.m (One Accord Ministry). Do visit
their website to check them out.
On Saturday is more of teaching bout
The Heart of Worship.Fact#1Worship is the
activity of the human soul.
>> We are
made to worship.
Fact#2What/Who we worship is not defined by what we say but
how we live.
>> What you
value most can be tracked by the trails of your
affection, devotion, allegiance (loyal), passion, time, investments & etc...
>>> At the end of every trail is a
THRONE>>>> What you really worship is on that throne. That is your
Matt 6:21 - For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.It's so true. We must choose the right "god" to worship. They showed us a video, an interview with Michael Jackson (super long time ago) and from the video you can see the people are crazy for him... they cried, they shout, they faint just for MJ. Nobody taught them how to worship MJ, it just comes out naturally from the heart, pure worship but then... to the wrong person. To them, they are devoted, allegiance towards MJ... we as Christians should do the same way (not to MJ of course!) to be devoted, allegiance to God who created us.
As for Sunday, its more of workshop... training.
What makes Worship Inspiring?Fact#1Faith makes worship inspiring.
Rom 10:17; Matt 17:20Then we were split into groups of 2 to share on this scripture
Isaiah 61:1-2. Share what this scripture speaks to us.
And then we were to again split into groups of 2, with someone that you're not familiar with. This is to train us how to listen and ask God for a picture to symbolise of your partner. Then we need to draw that picture out and pass it to the person you team up with. So I team up with D. We prayed to God for a visual for each other. D drew a picture of a huge tree with heartshape apples on it. I have to share with him bout the picture - what it speaks to me. My interpretation was to be fruitful and strong. D's interpretation was similar, but the heartshape apples were to have the passion and be strong in God.
As for the picture I drew for D was a frame (without picture in it, dunno how to draw people). ^_^ So later I add on some stickmans. D's interpretation was a puzzle, some puzzle missing. D guess correct. I told him its like something missing... coz' of the empty frame. God will fill in the missing pieces. ^_^
This is a good practice that everyone can learn. Not exactly 2 by 2 - it can be done with a group. This was actually taught by the Bethel Church. When they gather together in a group to asked God for a visual and everyone has to draw something to put into a puzzle. Kel (frm 1 a.m), shared with us one testimony from one of the Singapore Church (they did the same thing as Bethel Church). Some drew a pictures of traffic light, flower, a pregnant lady and so on. Then these people would walk around the neighbourhood to search for traffic light with flower and also a pregnant lady... true enough - they saw a pregnant lady walking pass. They talk to her and showed her the picture they drew. Someone picked up that her baby was in trouble... true enough, she had some problem with the baby so they prayed for her.
And another testimony happen in Bethel Church was about a man who has a problem with his right calve and its hard for him to walk. Someone drew very accurately bout his right calve, torn ligament. Just as they pass the picture to this guy, before they even prayed for him he receive his healing, no pain at all.
Wow!!! As I was listening to Kel sharing it... I was touched. It takes boldness and a step of faith to act it out.
They even shared a video about a lady got healed in the supermarket when someone from Bethel Church prayed for her. God's presence was so strong, the cashier made an announcement with the speaker phone saying that "God's presence is here, anybody wanna receive healing now!" Simultaneously a man was jumping for joy in the supermarket and so on.
Who says God can't do miracles on the spot!!! It's really an eye opener.
Fact#2Excellence makes worship inspiring.
2 Cor 4:7-10>>> At the end, we do not
stand by any man's excellence, but by the
singular excellence of God brought out by the
truth of the Gospel.
Fact#3Unity makes worship inspiring
Ps 133:1 - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
Eph 4:1-13I can't wait for the part 2 of this Worship Training which is on 27 & 28 June. Share more next week... ciao!!!