Sunday, June 08, 2008

I Believe You do miracles

There's this song been ringing in my heart today.
I wish I could post up the song in my blog now but it's nowhere to be found on the internet (I think). Will try to upload the video of the song to YouTube when I extract that portion out from the Sunday worship with Clancy's. The song was written by Brendon & Cathie Clancy. Awesome lyrics.
Anyway, the chorus of the song goes like this:

I Believe You do miracles
Heal the sick and raised the dead
Open blinded eyes to see
You do it over and over again

I Believe You do miracles
The lame shall walk and leap and run
Broken hearts are mended
You do it over and over again

Just found out that one of my church member wasn't feeling too well. Been having flu and cough. I smsed her earlier on cos I heard that there's no one doing the visual for Service this morning and another brother who isn't part of this ministry, helped. I was bit furious and self-centered cos I'm the ministry head and my team wasn't on duty, I'm the one sure kena marah. Well, in my head all I know was to sms her and ask "Why isn't she on duty? Why she didn't tell me that she couldn't make it? Why this and why that..." Of course, I type the sms in a well-mannered way but every word is like you know la.. scolding kind of manner. Then I think again, sms her maybe not so good, so I call her instead to find out. Called her, someone picked up the call but no sound at the other end, hello a few times, still no one speaks up - so I hang up the call. Later, she replied my sms, telling me that she had really bad migraine and she forgot to informed me.
At that moment, I was like... speechless!!! I felt bad and I ask God for forgiveness.
I replied her asking how is she doing and so on but she didn't reply. So I smsed her again, telling her to rest more and will keep her in my prayers.
Nowadays, a lot of people fall sick, especially her cell members - one after another. Earlier on one of her cell members kena denggi and at that moment he was seriously ill cos his pellet drop till 20, really crucial till the intercessors sending sms to one another asking for prayers. But after next day, he was completely healed and ready to be discharged, really miracle! God is Awesome!
God, please heal those who need your healing power now. For I believe You do miracles up to this very day... not just in 2000 yrs ago but in years to come. Amen!

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