Monday, July 28, 2008

Visitor on my garden

Was off today... we have Mondays' off for all staff. Was bit bored, watched Shaman King almost the whole afternoon.
Went out to my garden about 4pm, watered the plant and look what I found.

yellow & black grasshopper...
look nice hor...

July Babies

Suppose to post this like few weeks ago but forgot.. *haha* Celebrated the July babies on Pr Lawrence's actual bday. Just 2 photos here... don't want to load up so many pictures.
Cheesecake was baked by J.L. Its so yummy and rich! I ate alot too... *hehe*

L-R: Chunky Chocolate Cheese & the normal Cheesecake.
the birthday boys & girls...

Friday, July 25, 2008

the CREW...



New Life Staff....
L-R (sitting): Myself, Loo Ann, Yoke Yong, Aunty May, Lai Hing, Shirley
Behind: Uncle Cheam & Vince

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


DPM (Dawn Prayer Meeting) started yesterday, same goes to the 40-day Fast & Pray for the Nation from July 22 - Aug 31, 2008.
I totally forgot about it till I reach office on Tuesday... actually I was telling Cyn bout it on Monday cos I went out for lunch with her. I went down to KL by LRT to look for her cos her company near KLCC, so its easy for me.
Well, I didn't join the DPM although I wanted to cos the pastors/leaders are sharing on the book of Revelation, interesting topic. Just that couldn't wake up la - body lazy.
So I'm fasting lunch - taking Daniel fast (e.g. only vege, fruits & water), which I've been doing that for the past few years. Tried fasting without taking anything except water, cannot, stomach upset. So have to go for Daniel fast lor, at least there's something to munch on.
I didn't prepare much though, as in bring fruits or salad for lunch... I'm just taking milo and water to keep my stomach from *growling* ^_^"
Anyway, will probably buy some fruits from pasar malam this Thursday. Oh! I was telling my BB that the 40-days started... and told him that I'm fasting. He text me last night and here's our conversation...
BB: "Then cannot eat durian lor, plan to bring you eat on Fri, Sat & Sun."
me: "Can... durian is a fruit ma.."
BB: "Then cannot go eat duck rice & 'kai keok'"
me: "Can still eat 'kai keok'... dinner ma... I'm fasting lunch only ma. As for the duck rice... hmm... can skip one meal geh..."
BB: "Huh! You plan to fast when you're coming to PG ah...!"
me: ..... erm erm ...... o_O"

*haha* Of course I'm not going to fast during my stay in PG la... but then I cannot eat so much la.. ^_^
Can't wait for next week... took a day leave...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Had a great week... my colleague is back from his holiday and things are back to normal... "temporary" cos we'll be having Church Camp soon in August, lots of preparation and etc.
Attended a Special Meeting with Bro. Yoong from Melbourne, he came by for a Marriage Seminar last Saturday (July 12, 08) and he preach at the Chinese congregation and as well as our English service on Sunday (July 13, 08). The special meeting was held on Monday Night (July 14, 08) and it turn out to be good. His title speaks all... 'How to forget the past?'. He gave lots of illustration from different cases that he encounter and btw, he's a counsellor. Very down to earth speaker I should say.
Nothing much happen throughout the days... everything seems normal. So nothing much to post about on my weekdays.
As for weekends, my brother-in-law went out with us on the Saturday (July 19, 08), we went to Sunway Pyramid cos no where else to go. Something happen when we reach the carpark and I still feel bad about it. I was carrying my nephew and walking towards the elevator. Before entering the elevator there's an automatic sliding door and guess what... my nephew was on the ground and I wanted to hold his hand to walk inside... His left hand so happen was on the door and I was walking towards the auto door and it slide.. his hand got trap in-between. We manage to pull out his hand and not much of injury la. He cried for awhile and he stop, I guess he know its his fault for putting his hand there but its enough to make me feel guilty. *sigh*
As for Sunday, normal Sunday morning, the projector still unable to view cos they took back the whole projector back to their office to service. I can tell you that this company hasn't done their best in their service... all they know was to sell their product. Which is bad, service sucks!
Ok, back to Sunday morning. One of my church friend who is working in Glad Sound told me that the new Hillsong album is out, so I ask her to help me get one and I'll pay her on Sunday (which is today). So I was preparing my exact change for her before the service starts, guess what, she gave it to me instead. She bless me with the cd. I was so happy. But then I was planning to get the DVD as well but they don't have it yet. The album is great... found the song that I love so much. You can listen to it later on my 'Praise & Worship' player. Just scroll down and you'll see it, currently it'll automatically play the 'My Favourites' songs... if you want to listen to the Praise & worship, just click on the Praise & Worship playlist. I have the song This is Our God song in it now... go listen to it.
And just now, I attended my colleague's son's wedding dinner @ Kepong. Dinner was like those traditional chinese arrangement, but thank God not like those with uncle and aunty walk up the stage to sing karaoke. *haha* The food was good - excellent choice of food and drinks... I think my colleague will faint when they see the bill for the wine. The table behind us drink the wine like nobody's business - bottoms up. I didn't drink la cos I don't really appreciate wine. ^_^
Ok la.. time to say goodbye now. It's getting late. Post more next round.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Pets...

Nothing much to post about... so I thought of putting some picture of my little friends... ^_^
I have 4 tortoise, dad bought them for my niece but they all died. I think 1 of them had some sickness which we didn't realise till it affected the rest. sad oh!
this little one... I bought her to replace the previous one that died... *sigh* she died too.this is G, the one I posted about last month. well, this fella lost it's 'gong' & now it lost one of it's leg... poor thing...
this is flyn. the naughty one. this fella ate part of G's 'gong' & leg... now he's staying alone in a deserted island.. *haha**

and finally...

my favourite....

this is Fifi. my brother bought her home. she's very naughty too, towards me cos I played with her the most and she's afraid of my BF *haha*
it's hard to get a picture of herself... cos she keep coming to me. so I snap one together.last but not least.... (still waiting for hamsters... *hint to BB*)

this is Yuki girl. she's fluffy & loves to be pampered. she's a mother of 4 batch of puppies (3 pups in each batch) but now she's blind.
manage to snap this picture on my mobile. hard to get picture of them sleeping cos Fifi is very attentive.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My weekend

Went shopping with sis and her kids to MidValley on Saturday (July 12, 08). Oh.. before going shopping.. I slept till noon and had backache *haha* and had my massage on my OSiM chair. Just great.
Back to my window shopping story...
We went walking around, don't know where to start... its like just walk la. As I was going down from the escalator, I saw a familiar face. Saw my ex-classmate (A), she was with her husband and her kids. I didn't really walk over to say Hi!, just a smile and a nod. She was looking at me pushing my nephew on the stroller... probably she thought its my kid *haha*
This makes me pause awhile, thinking to myself: "Wow! Looks like alot of my friends are already married and with kids!" Well, I already know that she has kids cos she added me on Facebook few months back and it took me a while to recall who this person is (she changed alot, can't really recognize). Haven't seen her for 11years!! At first I didn't really had that feeling of friends married and had kids... cos its a norm, till I saw her at the shopping mall.
Then we went to Jusco, bought some stuff for my dogs, junk food and instant noodles for myself.

As for Sunday (July 13, 08), went to Church and found out that one of the projector was in bad shape, moreover we just change the bulb. It was blur and color turns out to be black & white... I was like "What the?!?! What happen to the projector?!?" I tried the settings, can't even read them cos of the blurness, so I compare it with the other projector, no problem. Then S came and ask me what happen to it. Told her I don't know cos I just came in. She said it was OK when she turn it on in the morning until half way arranging the chairs, the projector became like that. So I turn off the projector for awhile and later switch it on but it's still the same. *sigh* No choice but to stick to one projector lor. Went home had McD's for lunch and watched Sweeney Todd on dvd. Movie not bad, but the blood look so fake! What's the story about..., it talks bout love, hatred, revenged and killing those who are not worthy. End up, Mr Todd himself killed his own wife and nearly killed his own daughter cos there's so much hatred in him. He was accused of some crime that he didn't do and was jailed cos the Judge love his wife. So he came back for revenged and look for his long lost wife and daughter but found out that his wife had committed suicide. Actually his wife became a lunatic and begging on the street but another lady called Mrs Lovett lied to Mr Todd (formerly known as Benjamin Parker) cos she loves him, so she kept it quiet till Mr Todd killed his own wife.
After my movie, sis called me asked me whether I want to go shopping. I was actually a little tired but I still follow. We went all the way to Mont Kiara, cos sis saw on the newspaper there's a new shopping mall around there. Know what, it is a shopping mall but a small one and not many shop open, just the restaurants and cold storage. We later stopped by at the flea market at Mont Kiara on the way out, the stalls were actually closing cos its about to rain.
Then my brother-in-law suggested to go Ikea, wanna eat their curry puff and hotdog. He drove all the way back and I was so tired, I fell asleep till we reach Ikano. Walked around, from Ikea to Ikano and to Curve and then back to Ikea for dinner. We went to Ikano Petshop, saw the hamsters... my hand started to itch, wanna buy one but the hamster cage is so expensive. *sigh* Too bad BB don't want to buy for me... so bad! And later after dinner, I bought a collar-t at PDI for rm11.90. Darn cheap right! 70%. Thought of buying 2 but there's no other colors.
Well, there... that's how I usually spent my weekends. Window Shopping...

Friday, July 11, 2008


FRIDAY!!! Argh!!! Everyone seem to be looking forward to Friday cos' its the weekend but for me... well, if that Friday is an easy day, I'll be happy cos I can finish my work for the week and go off.
Let me tell you what happen on Friday.
My colleague was on leave for 2 weeks (this week will be the last), and I'm suppose to fill in for him la... cos since I'm doing the Puchong bulletin so I do the PJ one as well. Last week wasn't that bad, can still chilled out and taking my time but not this week.
Article was out late... and needed to be edited... announcements need to fill in... and I can't put in the announcement cos I don't know how much space the article gonna take... and I need to burn audio cds and print the labels... Argh!!! Seriously tons of work lor...
I even had my lunch late cos' doing the bulletin the whole morning but in between time I was able to have a chat with a friend of mine over MSN (while waiting for my work). I won't go into details of what was our conversation but then it was just a short one... *hehe*
I had my lunch at 2.15pm, right after lunch, off to finish up my work cos the article had its last editing. It was time to put in the article and announcement... rearranged the announcements, looking for pictures and etc. It is tough! I can imagine people working in a newspaper company or even the magazine company... putting all their efforts and sweat into the monthly mag... mine was just... 'tiny little thing' in their eyes.
.... *paused and mesmerized a little* ... Anyway, my bulletin had its final glance through by pastor R and he gave a comment: "Everytime see this picture, can choose another one ah..." and he smiled at me and at the same time changed some grammar. Well, I just told him I don't have time to look for another picture cos' need time to source through another colleague's picture folder and I continue with my work (he didn't say anything la..).
As I was finishing up, the time passes so fast... its already 4.30pm and my bulletin still haven't out from the oven... I was a little frustrated cos' I need to answer calls and attend to different people who walked in and some colleagues asked me to help them with certain stuff... I was telling myself in my heart, "Why nobody helped me to answer calls? Can't they see I'm BZ... drink water also no time.." At times I purposely don't want to pick up calls and I tell my colleagues that I can't help them now cos' I'm seriously not free...
At about 4.45pm, my bulletin finally out. I rushed Puchong's bulletin first for LA cos' for Puchong they needed 60 copies, so its easy and after that photocopy the insertion (the insertion itself took me awhile to print 1 page out, it got stuck in the printed for more than 15mins. I have to keep canceling it and change the photo size on the powerpoint). While the insertion was in the midst of photocopying, I quickly settle the Order of Service and do up the announcement for Sunday. When I walked back to the photocopier, R (chinese church admin) was photocopying her bulletin as well. Shucks! Anyway, I continued with the announcement lor... what to do!
By the time I finish everything it was around 6.30pm... so I called back and asked Dad to pick me up. Dad arrive bout 7pm and guess what... there's a few last minute stuff need to complete and my stupid thumb drive got virus and need to reformat it. There's no choice cos' I need to copy the files to another pc, so have to do it... took some time there.
When I reached home, got scolding from Mom and scolded my Dad as well. Asking why he took so long to come back and so on. I was really %$#@&... Argh!!! Hmph...! I think I rather not show so much of my frustration... can't stop!
Sleepy now... time to have a good sleep and Thank God for the day!

Monday, July 07, 2008

No new life.. No new beginning.. juz changin New skin

Went shopping with BB on Sunday (July 6), bought lots of stuff. Bought dog shampoo for Fifi (for sensitive skin & allergy), doggy treat and stuff for myself and as for BB, he bought stuff for his car. *hehe*
After walking from 1Utama old wing to new wing... we drop by the mini petshop where I bought my hermit crab from. I asked the lady bout the hermit crab, and tell her what happen to G... the lady said, "Oh! Dia tukar kulit la! (change skin)" In my heart I was, "Oh! Change skin only.. don't have to worry la." Then I told the lady that the other hermit crab ate one part of the "gong", so how... will it die. She said, "It's ok! Dia boleh tumbuh balik... (the "gong" can grow back want woh.. so geng!)"
Again I was at ease. Nothing to worry about la... So, happily leaving the shop but then I saw the hamsters... I was so eager to buy. BB didn't get to buy hamsters for Cyn this round... maybe next round la...
Talking about hamsters... I saw one hamster was eating one of its kind at MidValley's petshop - Pets Wonderland. I think that hamster was dead and another hamster was enjoying himself munching it. It's so grossed! Why Pets Wonderland staff never take care of the hamsters?? Like never give them food or clean them. And they're selling the hamsters at such expensive price, who wants to buy them. No wonder Pets Wonderland in 1Utama close down... and the Mid Valley branch close from two shop lots to one shop lot. I pity the animals lor... even the fishes... some of the sea fishes were like half dead. Poor thing!
Better don't talk so much about it... after kena sue. *haha*

Saturday, July 05, 2008

New beginning of a New Life... ended up SAD!

July 5th 2008:- Just came back from dinner with BB @ SS2 mamak. We had chicken rice, one of the best... *yumyum* and mom asked me to tapau 1 packet for her for dinner too.
As we reach home, my mom quickly announce that one of my hermit crab not moving. So I went to take a look. True enough, G (one of my hermit crab's name and also shown on the picture below) was outside of the shell. I was shocked and sad cos it died. So I took up the shell and look inside, and I saw that the 'gong' and one of its leg inside the shell. I took a toothpick, wanting to dig out the 'gong', as I was poking the 'gong', it move! I was curious and wondered, so I took up the dead crab and have a closer look. I was surprise! There's a new life inside that shell. Happily announced it to my parents, BB, sis and my niece and letting them see the dead crab and the new hermit crab. *giggles* So I just put it back into the tank and leave it as it is.
Later my dad itchy hand, soak the new hermit in the water. I scolded him cos hermit don't stay in water, I quickly took it out. The next moment bout half an hour later, I was uploading the photos of the farewell dinner and my nephew was around disturbing me, playing with my notebook. So I piggy-back him downstairs and I peep on my hermits to see how is it. Guess what!?!?! The other hermit (flynn) was eating the new hermit... I quickly took it away and took the new hermit off the tank. I was so upset that one part of the 'gong' was eaten up.
At first I was happy and can't wait to blog bout it and I had the title in mind... but now... it became a SAD blog!
'G' D.E.A.D... every of it's flesh is gone. empty!
BB didn't console me but ended saying, "Why you like that?!". I was so angry... As if I was wrong for scolding my dad. Why must he be so itchy hand... to touch my things. They were ok at the beginning until we interrupted them. Argh!!!! I don't know what to say... so GERAM!!!!

Friday, July 04, 2008

DURIANS.... yum!

BB bought durians... yummy!!! Nothing much to say... Just wanna post up some photos la...
nephew eating durian... to our surprise, he doesn't like durian lor... *giggles* he ate abit only.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Prophecy... Missions?!?!

We had a visiting speaker this morning during staff prayer. A familiar speaker of course, Doug Duncan.
He was sharing with us before he prophesy over the staff.
I was holding the mp3 player, recording my colleagues' prophecies, rather expert now - no interruptions during recording (imagine how still I hold it - till hand stiff). *giggles*
I was the 3rd last person he prophesy on, last was Pr R. He mention about me like a little girl playing with my own blocks behind a wall. But on the other hand, I've been wanting to peep whats over the other side of the wall but can never do that cos I wasn't tall enough.
Somehow God lengthen my legs and I was able to see outside, and there I was, longing to go out to see, to feel, to touch and to play. My blocks is no longer interesting to me. The feeling of wanting to play outside.
God is going to set my foot out on a mission field. It can be either a week, a month, or even 4 months... and I'll be leading teams to go out too.
Guess what was my reaction? I was like "o_O" huh! Mission field?!?! I was smiling, and my colleagues too were smiling and some said "Amen!". I was telling myself, "How am I suppose to do that? I don't think BB would agree cos ermm... ermm... cos of... three letter word... ***".
Then later in the evening, we had Prayer Meeting every Wednesday @ 8:30pm. Prayer Meeting was great! Can feel the presence of God so strong. During the praying time, I just felt like writing down what Doug mention, and at that time I prayed. I don't want to doubt God's plan, I just surrender to Him, if its His plan... I'm sure God has a way to it and leaving God to deal with BB la. *hehe* That's all I can say. Just want to release it whats in my heart right now cos I find that journaling is important as sometimes I may forgot. *dory symptoms*

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Farewell my friend

Went to dinner with Cie, Ryl & Wai on Monday (June 30) to Bar-be-que Plaza @ 1Utama. Our initial plan was to go to Serendah for a night, just to spend time together before Cie leave for Sydney but so happen Ryl's dad had an accident (got rob in front of their house and the robber slash her dad's arm). Thank God the robber didn't slash off the whole chunk of his arm but still, his nerves were affected so he can't really raise his arm up. Pray that God will connect back his nerves and his hand would work as normal. Amen!
After our dinner, we went to New Zealand ice cream cos they had 30% discount on every 30th. At first 4 of us share 1 tub (or pint or regular) with 2 flavours. While eating that tub, all of us slowly buying 1 tub each to bring home. *haha* cos' its cheap! RM15 for 2 flavours. By the time we finish the ice cream, all of us finish buying.
While walking back to the carpark, we stop and took photos with our ice cream. *haha* Took some crazy photos... but well, I don't want to post up all the photos. Just 2 only la...
Farewell my friend... see you in 2yrs time.
our last picture of the day...